Clearance: Picture Books

PLEASE NOTE: this is your last chance to buy this book. We will NOT be buying it again. Also, this book is NOT RETURNABLE, and SOLD AS-IS. It may have defects, such as highlighting, torn pages or loose cover.

Eli has a very specific vision for the picture book section at Exodus Books. If a book fails to meet his qualifications in even the smallest way, it gets nixed and ends up here. This is a boneyard for delinquent titles, kind of a juvenile detention for picture books that don't play by the rules.

Of course, these are still way better titles than you'll find most other places. They just don't specifically meet the vision of the store and its owner. You'll notice this clearance section is more sparsely populated than others: that's simply because we don't bring in a lot of picture books we don't like. Happy browsing, and happy reading when you unburden us of these lonesome titles.

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Clearance: Picture Books
7 Items found Print
Active Filters: Kindergarten (Ages 5-6)
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$11.00 $96.00 (1 in stock)
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by Steven Kellogg
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by Iona Opie, Peter Opie
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in Clearance: Picture Books (Location: ZCLE-PIC)
The Trek
by Ann Jonas
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