Abolition of Man
by C. S. Lewis
from HarperCollins
for 10th-Adult
by Virgil, translated by Robert Fitzgerald
from Vintage Classics
Ancient Literature/Epic Poetry
for 10th-Adult
in Ancient Literature
(Location: LIT1-ANC)
Angels in the Architecture
by Doug Wilson & Doug Jones
from Canon Press
for 11th-Adult
in Art & Culture
(Location: XCU-ART)
$9.00 (1 in stock)
by Daniel J. Boorstin
from Vintage Classics
for 10th-Adult
in History for Adults
(Location: ADU-HIS)
Henle Fourth Year Latin
by Robert J. Henle
from Loyola Press
for 10th-12th grade
in Henle Latin
(Location: FL-LATHEN)
$12.00 (1 in stock)
Henle Fourth Year Latin - Answer Key
by Robert J. Henle
from Loyola Press
for 10th-12th grade
in Henle Latin
(Location: FL-LATHEN)
Henle Latin Grammar
by Robert J. Henle
from Loyola Press
for 7th-12th grade
in Henle Latin
(Location: FL-LATHEN)
Heroes of the City of Man
by Peter Leithart
from Canon Press
for 9th-Adult
by Homer (translation by Robert Fagles)
from Penguin Putnam
for 10th-Adult
in Ancient Literature
(Location: LIT1-ANC)
by Homer (translation by Robert Fagles)
from Penguin Putnam
for 11th-Adult
in Ancient Literature
(Location: LIT1-ANC)
Iliad & Odyssey
by Homer (translation by Robert Fagles)
from Penguin Putnam
for 10th-Adult
in Ancient Literature
(Location: LIT1-ANC)
Invitation to the Psalms
by Rolf A. Jacobson and Karl N. Jacobson
from Baker Academics
for 10th-Adult
in Bible Reading & Study
(Location: XBI-STUDY)
$14.00 (1 in stock)
Jesus Among Other Gods
by Ravi Zacharias
from W Publishing Group
for 10th-Adult
in Evidential Apologetics
(Location: XAP-EVI)
$9.00 (1 in stock)
Mere Christianity
by C. S. Lewis
from HarperCollins
for 8th-Adult
by Homer (translation by Robert Fagles)
from Penguin Putnam
for 11th-Adult
in Ancient Literature
(Location: LIT1-ANC)
by Homer (translation by Robert Fagles)
from Penguin Putnam
for 11th-Adult
in Ancient Literature
(Location: LIT1-ANC)
Oedipus Rex
Dover Thrift Editions
by Sophocles, translated by Sir George Young
from Dover Publications
Ancient Tragedy
for 9th-Adult
in Ancient Literature
(Location: LIT1-ANC)
Office of Assertion
by Scott F. Crider
1st edition
from Intercollegiate Studies Institute
for 9th-Adult
in Writing Instruction
(Location: WRI-INS)
$10.00 (2 in stock)
Saxon Advanced Mathematics - Home Study Kit
2nd edition
from Saxon Publishers
for 11th-12th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
in Saxon Math
(Location: MAT-SAX)
$120.00 (3 in stock)
Saxon Calculus - Home Study Kit
2nd edition
from Saxon Publishers
for 12th grade
Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks
in Saxon Math
(Location: MAT-SAX)
Saxon Physics - Home Study Kit
1st edition
from Saxon Publishers
for 11th-12th grade
in Saxon Math
(Location: MAT-SAX)
$120.00 (1 in stock)
Theogony and Works & Days
by Hesiod
from Oxford University
for 10th-Adult
in Ancient Literature
(Location: LIT1-ANC)
Tour Guide: Introduction to Debate
from Classical Conversations
for 9th-12th grade
in Speech & Debate
(Location: SPEECH)
Trivium Tables: Latin
from Classical Conversations
for 7th-12th grade
$9.00 (1 in stock)
Trivium Tables: Rhetoric
from Classical Conversations
for 7th-12th grade
What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About
from Kregel Publications
for 6th-Adult
in Bible Reading & Study
(Location: XBI-STUDY)