Classical Composition Book III - Teacher Guide (old)

Classical Composition Book III - Teacher Guide (old)

Chreia/Maxim Stage

by James A. Selby
Publisher: Memoria Press
Current Retail Price: $29.95
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Students gain the ability to create a story through the use of the narrative categories and variation through paraphrase. Students learn to demonstrate the truth of the Commonplace through what the ancient Greek writer Aphthonius calls "eight heads of development," and students deal more explicitly and thoroughly with what in modern composition theory are referred to as "support points." The ability to invent four specific types of narrative through these "heads of development" and to paraphrase in two specific ways are the foundational skills to be learned in this stage.

Key Benefits:

  • Examples provided for all exercises
  • Reinforcement and repetition of previous skills
  • Integrated with Fable and Narrative stages


  • Invention of multiple categories of narrative
  • Craft an introductory paragraph
  • Flexibility in creating support
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