Classical Acts and Facts Science Cards: Uncovering the Design - Cycle 3

Classical Acts and Facts Science Cards: Uncovering the Design - Cycle 3

Anatomy, Chemistry & Origins

5th Edition, ©2019, Publisher Catalog #FS335
Price: $23.99
Used Price: $14.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Each of the Classical Conversations science card sets include 36 cards (numbered consecutively from 1-124 throughout the series) offering "pegs" on which kids can "hang" more information as they research and learn. Made from sturdy glossy cardstock, every card features a full-color image and title denoting the topic on one side, and in-depth explanation on the other side. These sets are reused every four years, so kids are encouraged to memorize titles first, and familiarize themselves with the explanations later.

In the righthand corner of the front of each card, a color and subject heading denote the topic covered on that card. There are nine designations, which include biology, geology, ecology, astronomy, physics, chemistry, origins, anatomy, and famous scientists. Kids can play games with these cards, use them to facilitate further study, or use them in any way you come up with to supplement or guide science learning. These are Christian in orientation, so origins are approached from a Creationist perspective.

Topics covered in Classical Conversations Anatomy, Chemistry & Origins - Science Cards include Newton's Laws of Motion, James Clerk Maxwell, thermodynamics, human anatomy, systems of the human body, and much more. Artwork includes detailed images of human bones, organs, and systems; photographs; diagrams and charts; and others. Information is presented factually, and issues of origins are largely ignored in favor of established fact.

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