Agape Leadership
by Robert L. Peterson and Alexander Strauch
from Lewis and Roth Publishers
for Adult
$4.50 (1 in stock)
Am I Called?
by Dave Harvey
from Crossway Books
for Adult
Approved Unto God with Facing Reality
by Oswald Chambers
from Discovery House Publishers
for Adult
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Authentic Ministry
by Michael Reeves
Christian Leader's Guide to Leading with Love
by Alexander Strauch
from Lewis and Roth Publishers
for Adult
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Church Planting Is For: Wimps
by Mike McKinley
from Crossway Books
for Adult
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Re:Lit Books
by Brad House
from Crossway Books
for Adult
$3.60 (3 in stock)
Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future
by James Jordan
1st edition
from Athanasius Press
in Ecclesiology
(Location: XTH-ECC)
Critique of Modern Youth Ministry
by Chris Schlect
2nd edition
from Canon Press
$3.00 (2 in stock)
Dangerous Calling
by Paul David Tripp
1st edition
from Crossway Books
for 11th-Adult
in Church Government
(Location: XWO-GOV)
$9.50 (2 in stock)
by Mark Dever
from Crossway Books
for Adult
$6.50 (2 in stock)
Elder and His Work
by David Dickson
from P&R Publishing
for Adult
in Church Government
(Location: XWO-GOV)
Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World
by Douglas Kelly
from P&R Publishing
Fit Bodies, Fat Minds
by Os Guinness
from Baker Books
for Adult
$2.70 (1 in stock)
Giving Wisely?
by Jonathan Martin
2nd edition
for 12th-Adult
$3.00 (4 in stock)
9marks: Buliding Healthy Churches
by Ray Ortlund, Foreword by J.I. Packer
1st edition
from Crossway Books
for Adult
in Church Government
(Location: XWO-GOV)
$8.00 (2 in stock)
Hipster Christianity
by Brett McCracken
from Baker Books
for 9th-Adult
in Ecclesiology
(Location: XTH-ECC)
$3.60 (1 in stock)
Hole in Our Gospel
by Richard Stearns
from Thomas Nelson Publishers
for Adult
$4.00 (2 in stock)
Hole in Our Gospel
by Richard Stearns
from Thomas Nelson Publishers
for Adult
$3.50 (3 in stock)
I Suffer Not a Woman
by Catherine Clark Kroeger, Richard Clark Kroeger
from Baker Books
for Adult
$6.00 (1 in stock)
I Will!
by Thom S. Rainer
from B&H Books
for Adult
$5.00 (3 in stock)
In His Service
by R. J. Rushdoony
from Chalcedon / Ross House Books
for Adult
In the Shadow of Plenty
by George Grant
2nd edition
from Christian Liberty Press
for 11th-Adult
$3.60 (1 in stock)
Kingdom and the Power
by Peter Leithart
from P&R Publishing
in Biblical Theology
(Location: XTH-BIB)
Law of Kindness
by Mary Beeke
from Reformation Heritage Books
for 10th-Adult
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Life in the Father's House
by Wayne A. Mack, David Swavely
from P&R Publishing
for Adult
$3.00 (3 in stock)
Life Together
by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
from HarperOne
for Adult
Living Church
by John Stott
from InterVarsity Press
for Adult
Master's Perspective on Pastoral Ministry
by Richard L. Mayhue, Robert L. Thomas, eds.
from Kregel Publications
for Adult
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Minister's Treasury of Funeral & Memorial Passages
by Jim Henry
from Broadman & Holman
for Adult
Ministries of Mercy
by Tim Keller
3rd edition
from P&R Publishing
for Adult
New Testament Deacon
by Alexander Strauch
from Lewis and Roth Publishers
for Adult
On Guard
by Deepak Keju
from New Growth Press
Peace Making Pastor
by Alfred Poirier
from Baker Books
for Adult
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Preaching with Purpose
by Jay E. Adams
from Zondervan
for Adult
in Preaching the Word
(Location: XWO-PRE)
$5.50 (1 in stock)
Prodigal Church
by Jared Wilson
from Crossway Books
for Adult
in Ecclesiology
(Location: XTH-ECC)
Running on Empty
by Barbara Bancroft
from New Growth Press
for Adult
in Christian Counseling
(Location: XCL-COU)
Safely Home
by Tom Eldredge
from Vision Forum
for Adult
Same Lake, Different Boat
by Stephanie O. Hubach
from P&R Publishing
for Adult
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Shepherding God's Flock
The Jay Adams Library
by Jay Adams
from Zondervan
in Christian Counseling
(Location: XCL-COU)
Surprised by Hope
by N. T. Wright
from HarperOne
for 9th-Adult
in Eschatology & Prophecy
(Location: XTH-ESCH)
Toxic Charity
by Robert D. Lupton
from HarperOne
for 11th-Adult
True Companion
by Nancy Wilson
from Canon Press
for Adult
Twelve Challenges Churches Face
by Mark Dever
from Crossway Books
for Adult
Uniting Church and Home
by Eric Wallace
from Solutions for Integrating Church & Home
$5.00 (4 in stock)
Welfare Reformed
by David W. Hall, ed.
from P&R Publishing
for Adult
$1.80 (1 in stock)
What Is Mercy Ministry?
by Noah J. Toly, Philip Graham Ryken
from P&R Publishing
for Adult
in Basics of the Faith
(Location: XNC-BAS)
What Is Your Church's Personality?
by Philip D. Douglass
from P&R Publishing
for Adult
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Why Ministers Must Be Men
by Douglas Wilson
from Athanasius Press
for Adult
Women in Ministry
by Robert & Bonnidell Clouse, editors
from InterVarsity Press
for Adult
Women's Ministry in the Local Church
by J. Ligon Duncan, Susan Hunt
from Crossway Books
for Adult