Christian Survey of World History - Compact Disc Set

Christian Survey of World History - Compact Disc Set

by Rousas John Rushdoony
©2008, Item: 21433
Mixed Media
Price: $90.00

12 Compact Discs, as well as notes, questions, and answer key in an attractive album.

Twelve recorded lessons give an overview of history from ancient times to the 20th century as only Rev. Rushdoony could. The text includes fifteen chapters of class notes covering ancient history through the Reformation, as well as review questions covering the tapes and questions for thought and discussion.

These messages may be downloaded in MP3 format from Chalcedon.

Recorded Lectures:

  1. "Time & History: Why History is Important"
  2. "Israel, Egypt & the Ancient Near East"
  3. "Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece & Jesus Christ"
  4. "The Roman Republic"
  5. "The Early Church" & "Byzantium"
  6. "Islam" & "The Frontier Age"
  7. "The New Humanism or Medieval Period"
  8. "The Reformation"
  9. "The Wars of Religion—So Called" & "The Thirty Years War"
  10. "France: Louis XIV through Napoleon"
  11. "England: The Puritans through Queen Victoria"
  12. "The 20th Century: The Intellectual-Scientific Elite"

Book Chapter Titles

  1. "God & Israel"
  2. "Ancient Egypt"
  3. "Ancient Near East & Mediterranean Powers"
  4. "Assyria & Babylon"
  5. "The Persian Empire"
  6. "Greece"
  7. "Jesus Christ & the Beginning of Christianity"
  8. "The Rise & Fall of the Roman Republic"
  9. "Birth & Death of the Roman Empire"
  10. "The Early Church Confronts the World"
  11. "Byzantium, the Eastern Roman Empire"
  12. "Islam"
  13. "The Frontier Age"
  14. "The New Humanism"
  15. "The Reformation"

Review Questions

Questions for Thought & Discussion

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