We believe Christ has redeemed all of Creation, including the inventions of humans. We also believe, therefore, that all forms of communication and instruction not blatantly sinful or harmful can and should be used by Christians to promote and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a holistic Christian worldview.
In an age of shortened attention spans and visual education, sometimes the only way to impart truth is through audio lectures and video. We offer everything from books on tape, to sermon series, to conference lectures and debates, to documentaries, all designed to increase your biblical knowledge and get you thinking about things as a Christian.
Alternatives to books aren't automatically easy. A lot of the content you'll encounter here is just as challenging as the ideas in books, it's just that here it's presented in a more non-traditional format. At the same time, people have traditionally learned through discussion and debate, and watching or listening is a good way to establish conversation and learn by example.
The majority of products in this section come from Canon Press and Vision Forum. The Canon Press offerings tend to be a bit more scholarly, focused on doctrinal issues, and sophisticated. Vision Forum focuses on godly living, family discipleship, and thinking practically about raising children, choosing a vocation, etc.
Many of these series (most of the items here are collections of lectures or panel discussions) are history-oriented, putting a Christian perspective on the world's great events. As you listen or watch, we encourage you to use biblical discernment, comparing everything to the Word of God, and making sure what is taught is true. Other than that, enjoy a break from reading!
Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he is a husband and father, teaches adult Sunday school in his Presbyterian congregation, and likes weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.
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