Cathy Duffy is a household name among homeschooling communities, best known for her comprehensive Christian Home Educators' Curriculum Manual. She has been a homeschooling mom, author, curriculum consultant, and conference speaker for over twenty years.
Cathy and her husband Mike began homeschooling their three sons in 1982. In preparation for home education, Cathy began researching curriculum the year before they began. Because of the needs of her children and the struggles other home educators endured trying to determine what materials to use, she continued researching and began compiling and sharing information. She has written many articles for home education magazines in addition to her two volume Christian Home Educators' Curriculum Manual.
Cathy also shares her expertise as a curriculum consultant to individuals, publishers, and distributors, and, when she can manage a break from the home education routine and her busy family, she speaks at home education events around the country. She has also been active in her local homeschool community and events.
Since her newest book, 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum, has been published, many of the reviews from her Curriculum Manual have now been made available on her extremely informative website. We have been reading her reviews for years, and consider them usually right on the mark.
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