Cantus Christi

Cantus Christi

by Douglas Wilson (Introduction), Louis "Duck" Schuler (Introduction)
Publisher: Canon Press
Hardcover, 459 pages
Price: $29.99

Liturgical culture drives all other expressions of culture. The culture we exhibit in the presence of our gods is the defining element of every culture. Christian reformation of culture encompasses all that is true, all that is good, and all that is lovely. It affects how we prepare our meals, and how we serve them. It affects the making of beer and the mowing of lawns. But at the center of all this is how reformation affects the public worship of God, and this is obviously related to the music we sing.

The saints of the last two millennia have added their voices to the heavenly chorus, and their music is our inheritance. Some of this inheritance stretches modern ears. It delights in the glories of musical aesthetic depth. With Cantus Christi, we endeavor to recover a small portion of that great heritage.

Since we pay the full price for this book, we are forced to charge a bit more than retail for it. If you're wanting quantities of this book, we recommend you order it directly from Canon Press.

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