Buying Used Books

We’re excited to announce that we’re almost ready to start buying used books again. Shortly
after launching the new store, we’ll begin, so hang on to your books for a few more weeks.
We’ll have two programs for you to take advantage of.

Book sales

First way: You be able put all your used books into a box and either drop it off at the
warehouse during warehouse hours or mail them to us using media mail. We’ll go through your
books one-by-one and send you an email with how much store credit we can offer or how
much we can mail you a check for. Super easy and convenient.

Second way: You can make an appointment using our online system and then you can bring
your books into the warehouse. We’ll go through them while you’re here, and we’ll issue you
store credit or a check on the spot.

Donate your leftovers. Either way you choose, anything we can’t use we’ll let you know, and you have the option to either take them back or leave them with us and we’ll find a good home for them somewhere.