Butter in the Well: Historical Diary 1868-1888

Butter in the Well: Historical Diary 1868-1888

A Scandinavian Woman's Tale of Life on the Prairie

by Linda K. Hubalek
Publisher: Butterfield Books
Trade Paperback, 128 pages
Used Price: $6.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Swedish immigrant Kajsa Svensson Runeberg fights to survive and build a homestead on the Kansas prairie as she and her family faces the trials of weather, disease, accidents, and loneliness.

This historical fiction, written in the form of diary entries dating 1868 to 1888, is based on the actual woman who homesteaded the author's childhood home. True stories gathered on this Swedish family and community show the determination these pioneers had, to face and overcome the conflicts and tragedy that happened in their lives.

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