Building Blocks Book 4 - Student Textbook

Building Blocks Book 4 - Student Textbook

by Rebecca W. Keller
Hardcover, 206 pages
Current Retail Price: $118.00
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The Exploring the Building Blocks of Science Book 4 Student Textbook introduce students to real science. Foundational scientific concepts and terminology are presented clearly and in a manner that’s easy for kids to understand. Using this book gives kids a solid base on which to build a further study of science. This year-long curriculum contains four chapters each of five scientific disciplines: chemistry, biology, physics, geology, and astronomy, as well as an introduction to the material covered and a concluding chapter, for a total of 22 chapters. The many graphics in this full color textbook reinforce the concepts presented and make the book fun for kids and teachers alike to read. Topics covered include: discovering with science, chemical bonding, states of matter, heat, invertebrate and vertebrate animals, waves, sound, light, Earth's cycles, ecosystems, natural resources, pollution, space travel, looking for life in the universe, and much more.

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