Bugs for Lunch

Bugs for Lunch

by Margery Facklam, Sylvia Long (Illustrator)
Publisher: Charlesbridge
Perfectbound, 32 pages
Current Retail Price: $6.95
Used Price: $3.50 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Discover the variety of bug-eaters—animal, plant, even human—in this exploration of both poetry and the natural world. Facklam’s playful rhymes mixed with Long’s vivid illustrations introduce young readers to an array of creatures as they munch on lunch. From a mantis perched and ready to prey on ladybugs, a spider trapping a fly, to the honey-drenched fur of a big brown bear chewing on a hive full of bees, Bugs for Lunch will give curious readers plenty of food for thought delivered in a playful package.

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