Brave Bulls

Brave Bulls

by Tom Lea
First Edition, Second Printing, ©1949, Item: 86896
Hardcover, 270 pages
Used Price: $10.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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From the dust jacket:

It is about bravery, glory, death, drunkenness, fun, graft, fright, blood and lust. It also has dust, sunlight and silk in it.

It is an unfolding of all the elements that shaped the drama of one bullfight, from its birth in the brain of an impresario to its full, unexpected flowering on a sunny afternoon in December.

It is the story of Luis Bello, "The Swordsman of Guerreras," whose profession is the dealing of violent death while subject to it himself, who lives by his body and by his heart. In the fitting way of poetic justice, fate touches not only the things Luis Bello kills but things he loves - his family, his profession, his friend, and his woman. When he walks into the bullring of Cuenca at last, the heart he lived by is stripped bare; he faces the horns of the bulls for the first time in his violent life bereft of his vanity, his self-esteem.

It is the shadowy story of all of us facing the horns; and the sand under foot at the bullring of Cuenca is the same sand of the beaches at Peleliu and Normandy.

A serial version of this novel appeared in the Atlantic Monthly

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