Boxed Sets & Literature Packages

Sometimes you just need every book in the series. If you had to scan the Internet and troll used bookstores for all of them, you'd probably get burned out before your collection was complete. Fortunately, we've put our most popular, our coolest, and our most obscure collections into packages so you can just buy all of them at one pop. Sure, it eliminates the thrill of the chase, but that's a transitory pleasure anyway.

At the outset we'd like to point out that these are NOT "series books" as we've described them. For us, "series books" are the ones with numbers on the spine to help you keep track because there are so many in the group. Usually, the sets in Literature Packages (affectionately called "Kitlits") are limited to seven volumes or less (there are exceptions), and all of them are closed series (meaning that no more books can or will be written) of three books or more.

Because these are manageable sets, and because we like you guys, we offer discounts. If there are 3-5 books in a series we usually discount 10-15%,and we generally increase the discount to 15-25% for larger sets; occasionally we throw in a book for free. It is important to note, however: These prices are only guaranteed for in-stock books as prices do change at times; and, these discounts can't be combined with other sales, discounts or specials.

Enjoy browsing our selection. You'll find old favorites like The Little House, Tintin, and Anne of Green Gables books, lesser-known classics like Ralph Moody's Little Britches series, and a few curveballs no one's ever heard of like the Reformation Trail Series and the Melendy Quartet. These are exclusively literature packages, ranging across the genre spectrum, and compiled for your convenience and pleasure.

Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he's a husband and father who loves church, good food, and weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.
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Boxed Sets & Literature Packages
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