Born Again

Born Again

by Charles "Chuck" Colson
Publisher: Chosen Books
Trade Paperback, 384 pages
Current Retail Price: $14.99
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Almost thirty years ago, against the backdrop of the explosive Watergate scandal, Charles Colson revealed the story of his own search for meaning during the tumultuous investigations that led to the collapse of the Nixon administration. A former special counsel to the President, Colson found new life not with success and power but, paradoxically, while in national disgrace and facing a term in prison. Colson describes the day he sat in his prison cell and began jotting down notes on a yellow pad about the events that brought about the fall of a President and the rebirth of his former "hatchet man." These notes developed into Born Again, a classic story of a changed life. In the decades since its initial telling, Charles Colson's inspiring story of a life renewed has brought hope, encouragement and new life to millions. Book jacket.

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