Book of Trees - Teacher Guide

Book of Trees - Teacher Guide

by Sean Brooks
Publisher: Memoria Press
Softcover Teacher Guide / Answer Key, 170 pages
List Price: $20.05 Sale Price: $17.04
Used Price: $9.78 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Does your student know that the very gift of breath is the result of the oxygen that trees and plants put into the air? Or that trees and plants provide the means of sustenance for all life on earth?

The new Trees Reader, along with a student workbook and teacher key, will teach your student both plant morphology and taxonomy (the different parts and different kinds of plants), as well as photosynthesis and respiration. Other chapters cover flowers and fruits.

As much of modern science instruction becomes increasingly dominated by a focus on technology and scientific abstractions, teachers, parents, and students will appreciate programs like this one that return to the traditional focus on the wonders of nature.

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