Book of the Ancient World - Teacher Guide

Book of the Ancient World - Teacher Guide

by Matthew Anderson
Publisher: Memoria Press
Trade Paperback, 109 pages
List Price: $20.50 Sale Price: $17.43
Used Price: $10.20 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

Dorothy Mills wrote some wonderful history books in the 1920s for use by middle school students, and Memoria Press has recently begun to republish them—with added illustratrions! Mills' books include quotes from great classical historians such as Herodotus and Cicero, making them great preparation for reading these authors in high school. Memoria Press has also written study guides so that you can have a total classical history curriculum in the middle school years. The guides contain reading notes, vocabulary, comprehension questions, enrichment activities, and map work (no maps are included). This teacher's guide contains the answers and also includes tests.

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