Blokus Travel

Blokus Travel

by Bernard Tavitian
Current Retail Price: $20.00
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This travel version of award-winning Blokus is the perfect on-the-go strategy game for two! The simple rules take less than a minute to learn, yet the game has the depth to challenge both beginners and experts alike!

How to Play Blokus Travel:

Each player chooses a color and takes a set of 21 pieces. Player 1 places one of his pieces on one of the two starting points marked on the board. Player 2 places one of his pieces on the second starting point (See Figure A). The goal is for players to fit as many of their pieces on the board as possible.
Each new piece must touch at least one other piece of the same color but only at the corners. Pieces of the same color cannot be in contact along an edge. There are no restrictions on how different colored pieces may touch each other (See Figure B). Be tactical—block your opponent while expanding your own territory.
The game ends when both players are blocked from laying down any more of their pieces. This also includes a player who may have placed all of his pieces on the board. Scores are tallied. The winner is the player for whom the total area of his remaining pieces is the lowest (See Figure C).


1 game board with 196 squares, 42 game pieces in 2 colors, an instruction guide, and a storage tray.

These pieces are fairly small, sharp edged and look like candy, so keep away from small children inclined to put such objects in their mouth!

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