Blessed Are the Hungry

Blessed Are the Hungry

Meditations on the Lord's Supper

by Peter J. Leithart
Publisher: Canon Press
Trade Paperback, 190 pages
List Price: $15.00 Sale Price: $12.00
Used Price: $6.30 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The Lord's Supper is the world in miniature; it has cosmic significance. Within it we find clues to the meaning of all creation and all history, to the nature of God and the nature of man, to the mystery of the world, which is Christ. It is not confined to the first day, for its power fills seven. Though the table stands at the center, its effects stretch out to the four corners of the earth.

Within this book are twenty-nine essays that explore the ideas in the above paragraph. Peter Leithart's meditations delve into the history and symbolism of the Eucharist, as well as more practical aspects, showing us that the Lord's supper is and should be a very beautiful and integral part of worship.

"There is a new interest in the Lord's Supper in evangelical churches. Christian pastors and people are realizing that they have neglected sacramental worship to their own loss. But where to begin in restoring the Supper to its rightful place in Christian faith and life? What better place than these delightful, suggestive, meditations by Peter Leithart. Here is both the theology and the practice of the Supper in a most attractive form."
Robert Rayburn, Faith Presbyterian Church, Tacoma, WA.

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