BJU High School Science

If we sound like a broken record when it comes to BJU curriculum, there's a reason. None of their curriculum were originally designed for home school families. All Bob Jones courses were originally intended for classroom use in Christian schools; homeschool families must adapt them for home use. The approach taken, therefore, is that the teacher will provide active instruction in the form of lectures and discussion, and not that the student will be largely responsible for teaching himself. The junior high and high school BJU science textbooks are no exception. Information is presented primarily to teachers so they can in turn present it to students.

How Do These Work?

At the core of each year's course are the complementary student and teacher texts. All teacher editions are spiralbound in two volumes. Student texts are one-volume. A separate student activity manual is available for each grade with solutions for these activities in a separate teacher's edition. For each grade there is a test book and test answer key, as well as a variety of lab materials for experiments and hands-on learning. Because of the amount of materials required it might be easy to think this is a text-driven course, but it is not; it is instruction-based and requires lots of teacher involvement.

Each concept is thoroughly covered. Lesson plans in the teacher's edition provide everything the teacher needs to present the material, even if the teacher who doesn't have much personal background in science. All the materials fit together to provide a unified whole.

Our Honest Opinion:

This is quite possibly the best science curriculum for older students we carry, but only if you're ready and willing to spend a lot of time personally instructing your students. While some parents prefer this approach, others simply can't afford the time for a single subject, and there really are no shortcuts in the system of BJU science.

BJUP has been at the business of making curriculum for a long time, and they understand what works and what doesn't. Unfortunately, they don't generally have homeschoolers (and many of the specific issues homeschoolers face) in mind with their courses. A parent teaching more than one child all subjects at different levels just isn't going to have the time required to teach most Bob Jones subjects. However, if you want to focus on a particular subject and are willing to really delve into it, BJUP might be the best way to go. This really is a good program, just not particularly homeschool-friendly.

Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he is a husband and father, teaches adult Sunday school in his Presbyterian congregation, and likes weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.
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63 Items found Print
Biology - Assessments
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Biology - BJU Subject Kit
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in BJU Subject Kits (Location: WH-BJUK)
Biology - BJU Subject Kit (old)
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Biology - Lab Manual
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for 10th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
$14.00 (1 in stock)
Biology - Lab Manual Teacher Edition
6th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 10th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Biology - Lab Manual Teacher Edition (old)
5th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 10th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Biology - Lab Manual Teacher Edition (really old)
4th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 10th grade
in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
$9.00 (1 in stock)
Biology - Student Textbook
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for 10th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Biology - Student Textbook (old)
5th edition from Bob Jones University Press
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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Biology - Student Textbook (really old)
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for 10th grade
in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
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Biology - Teacher Edition
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Biology - Tests Answer Key (old)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
$9.00 $6.00 (1 in stock)
Chemistry - Assessments
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for 11th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Chemistry - Assessments Answer Key
5th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 11th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Chemistry - BJU Subject Kit
5th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 11th grade
in BJU Subject Kits (Location: WH-BJUK)
Chemistry - Lab Manual
5th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 11th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Chemistry - Lab Manual Teacher's Edition
5th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 11th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Chemistry - Lab Manual Teacher's Edition (old)
4th edition from Bob Jones University Press
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$22.40 (1 in stock)
Chemistry - Student Textbook
5th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 11th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
$86.11 $49.00 (1 in stock)
Chemistry - Teacher's Edition
5th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 11th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Chemistry - Teacher's Edition with CD (old)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
$50.00 (1 in stock)
Chemistry - Tests Answer Key (old)
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in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
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Earth Science - Assessments Answer Key
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Subject Kits (Location: WH-BJUK)
Earth Science - Lab Manual Teacher Edition
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Earth Science - Lab Manual Teacher Edition (Old)
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in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
$9.00 (3 in stock)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Physical Science - Assessments Answer Key
6th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Physical Science - BJU Subject Kit
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in BJU Subject Kits (Location: WH-BJUK)
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Physical Science - Lab Manual Teacher Edition (old)
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Physical Science - Student Textbook
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in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
$86.11 $49.00 (1 in stock)
Physical Science - Student Textbook (old)
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in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
$9.00 (1 in stock)
Physical Science - Student Textbook (really old)
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for 9th grade
in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Physical Science - Teacher Edition
6th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Physical Science - Tests (old)
5th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th grade
in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
$9.00 $6.00 (2 in stock)
Physical Science - Tests (really old)
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for 9th grade
in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Physics - Assessments
4th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Physics - Assessments Answer Key
4th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Physics - BJU Subject Kit
4th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Subject Kits (Location: WH-BJUK)
Physics - Lab Manual
4th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Physics - Lab Manual (old)
3rd edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
$29.00 $19.00 (1 in stock)
Physics - Lab Manual Teacher Edition
4th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Physics - Lab Manual Teacher Edition (old)
3rd edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
Physics - Student Textbook
4th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Physics - Student Textbook (old)
3rd edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)
$29.00 (1 in stock)
Physics - Teacher Edition
4th edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Science (Location: SCICUR-BJU)
Physics - Teacher Edition (old)
3rd edition from Bob Jones University Press
for 12th grade
in BJU Science (Old Versions only) (Location: OBJU-SCI)