BJU Bible Modular Series

During high school, BJU offers an alternative (or supplement) to their Bible Truths curriculum. This is the Bible Modular series, a series of small worktexts that are concept-based. There are currently 14 of these, three recommended for each grade during high school, and two additional titles (although you can use them in any order you wish). Topics covered include the importance of the Bible, missions, biblical doctrine and interpretation. These books are divided into chapters rather than lessons, though there are still memory verses, multiple choice questions and suggestions for essays. The Teacher's Editions provide additional information, goals and ideas for teaching, and the answers for questions with known answers. These are not as visually inviting as the Bible Truths books, but are more specific to theological topics, and (we think) better-written. Each chapter begins with an illustrative story, includes biblical commentary and ends in practical application.

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14 Items found Print
Basics for Believers
by Jim Berg
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
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Beyond the Sun
by Coart Ramey
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
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How Firm a Foundation!
by Kent Ramler, Randy Leedy & Bryan Smith
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
In God's Presence
by Coart Ramey
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
Martyrdom: The Final Triumph of Faith
by Scott Anderson and Dan Cruver
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
Publish Great Things
by H. Douglas Garland
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
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That I May Know Him
by H. Douglas Garland
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
That I May Know Him - Student & Teacher Set
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
$9.00 (2 in stock)
Walking by the Spirit
by Damon Amato
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
Way of the Word
by Bryan Smith
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
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Way of the Word - Student & Teacher Set
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
$9.00 (2 in stock)
What is Truth?
by Coart Ramey and Bryan Smith
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
Who Is This Jesus?
by Thomas Parr & Bryan Smith
from Bob Jones University Press
for 11th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
Why the Bible Matters
by Coart Ramey
from Bob Jones University Press
for 9th-12th grade
in BJU Bible Modular Series (Location: BIB-BJUMOD)
$8.00 $4.00 (2 in stock)