Billy and Blaze

Billy and Blaze

by C. W. Anderson
Publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks
Trade Paperback, 48 pages
List Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $8.49

Billy is a little boy who loves horses "more than anything else in the world." Imagine how happy he is when he gets his very own pony for his birthday! From that day on, Billy is seldom seen without his new friend, Blaze.

Riding through fields and woods, Billy and Blaze learn to trust and understand one another—and to jump over fences and fallen trees with ease. They are a great team, but are they good enough to win the gleaming silver cup at the Mason Horse Show?

This is the first book in the classic Billy and Blaze series. Sensitive drawings and easy-to-read words capture the warmth and gentle understanding between a boy and his horse.


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Summary: Billy, who loves horses more than anything, gets a pony for his birthday and he and Blaze begin their adventures.

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  Billy Got A Horse
Mally of Alabama, 6/14/2016
I liked that Billy got a horse and that he helped the dog. I really enjoyed that book because it has my favorite animal in it.