Beyond the Code

Beyond the Code is designed to help beginning readers (grades 2-4) apply their new skills toward greater comprehension. The four books, to be used with the Explode the Code series, reinforce key phonics concepts through lighthearted stories. Students read the stories and answer questions that help them remember the content and make deductions not explicitly addressed in the text. Goofy, slightly bizarre line drawings add a fun element to the stories, and the questions are silly enough to keep most kids interested. This is not an advanced reading comprehension course, nor is it designed to aid kids in literature analysis, but it does offer a good foundation for retention and critical thinking skills. There are reading comprehension elements in the Explode the Code books, though nothing as thorough as the Beyond the Code approach.

Product Samples:

Beyond the Code 3 Table of Contents
Beyond the Code 3 Sample Lesson: "Day Care for Dogs"

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4 Items found Print
Beyond the Code Book 1
by Nancy Hall
from Educators Publishing Service
for 1st-3rd grade
in Explode the Code (Location: PHO-ETC)
Beyond the Code Book 2
by Nancy Hall
from Educators Publishing Service
for 1st-3rd grade
in Explode the Code (Location: PHO-ETC)
$13.09 $7.00 (1 in stock)
Beyond the Code Book 3
by Nancy Hall
from Educators Publishing Service
for 2nd-4th grade
in Explode the Code (Location: PHO-ETC)
$13.09 $7.00 (1 in stock)
Beyond the Code Book 4
by Nancy Hall
from Educators Publishing Service
for 2nd-4th grade
in Explode the Code (Location: PHO-ETC)
$13.09 $7.00 (1 in stock)