Beyond the Book Report is AG's middle school language arts curriculum. Middle school is a special time. These kids are not just short high schoolers or tall elementary students. This is the time to cover all those skills and knowledge items and get your student prepared for high school literature and writing.
Beyond the Book Report is designed to pair with Analytical Grammar to provide a seamless, full-coverage, meaty, productful middle school language arts course that doesn't take up your whole day. By using AG and BBR together (just add the vocab of your choice!), you can teach middle school language arts in about an hour a day.
BBR is broken up into three seasons. A three-year plan is appropriate for 6th or 7th graders.
What you will receive when you purchase BBR is a teacher packet with examples and reference material and a DVD which will contain the video instructions, video lectures, and PDF rubrics, activities, and assignments. You'll simply watch the videos and print out everything you need to teach subustantive units on literary terms and analysis, newspaper writing, poetry, drama, public speaking, essays and research papers. BBR can be reused for anyone in your immediate family.
SEASON THREE includes three sections:
The essay and research paper sections will take our existing Teaching the Essay and Teaching the Research Paper units (see below), expand them, and add a video lecture component.
The Essay
- Concepts introduced:
Personal, literary, and SAT essays
- Activity:
Expanded version of our “Teaching the Essay” unit including new video lectures
Three literary essays on short stories
A personal (college entrance) essay
An SAT essay
- Final Product (100 pt total):
Essay on your book
The Oral Book Report
- Concepts introduced:
The DOs and DON’Ts of giving an oral presentation with slides
- Activity:
Watch video lecture on PowerPoint presentations
Find the errors in Mrs. Karl’s presentation!
- Final Product (100 pt total):
PowerPoint presentation of book
The Research Paper
- Concepts introduced:
How to write a research paper
Each step is broken down
- Activity:
Expanded version of our “Teaching the Research Paper” unit including video lectures
Students write an informative research paper on a famous author
- Final Product (100 pt total):
An argumentative research paper on the book, defending a thesis
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