Betty Carlson

During Betty Carlson's youth, she spent time in post-WWII Europe, bouncing around from obsession to obsession—often on bicycle.  At one point, she studied at the Conservatory of Music in Lausanne, Switzerland.  Eventually, she wound up at L'Abri, where she was befriended by the Francis and Edith Schaeffer—and the experience was life-changing.  In the early '70s, she wrote two books: The Unhurried Chase That Ended at L'Abri and Song from L'Abri, which describe her pilgrimage.  Later, with Jane Stuart Smith, she co-authored Crossway's Great Christian Hymn Writers and The Gift of Music.

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2 Items found
Gift of Music
by Jane Stuart Smith & Betty Carlson
3rd edition from Crossway Books
for 6th-12th grade
in Music History (Location: ELE-MUSHIS)
Great Christian Hymn Writers
by Jane Stuart Smith & Betty Carlson
from Crossway Books
for 7th-12th grade
in History of Hymns (Location: XCH-HYMN)