Best in Children's Books #37

Best in Children's Books #37

Item: 27557
160 pages
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Please note that most copies of these books do NOT include the dust jackets. Without, we typically charge $4 and this price will be manually adjusted when you order. If you particularly want copies with dust jackets, please call to confirm the copy has one!

Table of Contents:

The King of the Golden River
John Ruskin retold by Sara Cone Bryant
Childhood Poems 19
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Hans Christian Andersen
The Wisdom of Five Famous Men
James Baldwin
Harvey and Higgins Incorporated
Alice Dalgliesh
The Bremen Town Musicians 77
Kiki Dances
Charlotte Steiner
Mrs. Goose and Her Friends
Miriam Clark Potter
Some Favorite Game Birds of Land and Water 117
The True Book of Toys at Work
John Lewellen
The Bell of Atri
Retold by James Baldwin
Let's Go to Chile 156


Dust Jacket (same edition):


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