Best in Children's Books #33

Best in Children's Books #33

©1960, Item: 27553
Hardcover, 160 pages
Not in stock

Please note that most copies of these books do NOT include the dust jackets. Without, we typically charge $4 and this price will be manually adjusted when you order. If you particularly want copies with dust jackets, please call to confirm the copy has one!

Table of Contents:

Marco Polo's Travels
Roger Duvoisin
Discovering the Unknown World 28
Favorite Mother Goose Rhymes 36
Shawneen and the Gander
Richard Bennett
Andrew Jackson, Pioneer Hero
Smith Burnham
Sophocles and the Hyena
Jim Moran
Water, from Reservoir to You
Herman and Nina Schneider
Nature's Home Builders 117
Chi-wee's White Boots
Grace Moon
A Dime's Worth for Free
Marion Holland
Let's Go to Peru 156












Dust Jacket (same edition):

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