Becky and Her Brave Cat, Bluegrass

Becky and Her Brave Cat, Bluegrass

by Miriam E. Mason, Robert MacLean (Illustrator)
Publisher: Macmillan
©1960, Item: 91426
Library Binding, 135 pages
Used Price: $30.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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From the dust jacket:

BECKY Was Daniel Boone's youngest daughter. With her brave cat, Bluegrass, and the rest of the Boone family, she traveled in the small group of pioneers who, led by her famous father, were among the first white people ever to gaze on the beautiful land, Caintuck.

"An earthly Paradise," said Daniel Boone proudly, "You can look in all directions and not see a neighbor's house." But the appeal of the new and undiscovered was not always as great for Daniel Boone's family as it was for him. They followed him cheerfully but yearned for the pleasures of a "settled-down" house, and this light-hearted yet realistic pioneer story relates the entertaining and sometimes sobering events created by this difference of outlook.

Miriam E. Mason has told many delightful stories for easy reading, and this is one of her best.

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