Beaver of Weeping Water

Beaver of Weeping Water

by Marian Rumsey, Lydia Rosier (Illustrator)
©1969, Item: 85765
Hardcover, 96 pages
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From the dust jacket:

Home for eleven-year-old Joey Walker was a farm in eastern Oregon. There his family lived in harmony with their remote surroundings until the summer the poplars around nearby Weeping Water Lake were cut down. The culprit, surprisingly, was not a two-footed human being, but a fat, four-footed beaver. Watching the animal build a dam, Joey was filled with admiration for his engineering skill.

Soon, however, the painful truth became obvious; the dam was cutting off the water supply of the farm. Told to get rid of the beaver, Joey sorrowfully set out snares, which proved unsuccessful. A following attempt to tear down the dam with his bare hands ended in near disaster. Only when Joey had lost all hope of saving the beaver from destruction did he hit upon a solution.

This poignant tale of a boy in unwilling conflict with a wild animal is one that will be cherished. The sensitive illustrations will etch the beautiful scenes of countryside and wildlife in the reader's memory for a long time to come.

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