Basher Science: Astronomy

Basher Science: Astronomy

Out of This World!

by Dan Green
Publisher: Kingfisher
Pap/Pstr, ©2009, ISBN: 9780753462904
Trade Paperback, 128 pages
Current Retail Price: $8.99
Used Price: $5.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

Like a Facebook for the universe, Astronomy gives every important celestial body and concept its own page, where readers can learn its behaviors, likes, and dislikes up close and personal. From the flashy stars to the shadowy and strange objects that hang out like loners at the edges of the universe, no player goes unnoticed. Every profile has a hip anime-style portrait to round out the picture, but make no mistake: while the presentation is all style, the science is rock solid. The book includes a super cute poster of the solar system in the back. The universe has never been so cool.

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