Covering the first four millennia of earth history, B.C. contains twenty lectures from the 2006 History of the World Mega-Conference, covering the pre-flood world, the history of the ancient Babylonians, the Hebrew nation, the establishment of Rome, as well as ancient legal systems. These presentations are designed to dispel anti-Christian myths of historiography, establish a distinctively biblical grid for interpreting historical events, while covering, millennium by millennium, key themes in the rise and fall of civilizations.
Included in this album:
- Six Thousand Years of Earth History In an Hour
—Douglas Phillips
- The Greatest Themes of the First Two Millennia of Earth History
—Dr. Paul Jehle
- A Defense of the Universality of the Genesis Flood
—Dr. John Whitcomb
- The Implications of the Genesis Flood on Earth History
—Dr. John Whitcomb
- The Search For Noah's Ark
—Dr. John Morris
- The History of The Ice Age
—Dr. John Morris
- The Greatest Themes of the Third and Fourth Millennia of Earth History
—Dr. Paul Jehle
- The Tower of Babel and the Dispersion of the Nations
—Dr. John Whitcomb
- One Blood: The Origin of the Races
—Dr. John Morris
- The Puzzle of Ancient Man
—Douglas Phillips
- Controversies in Biblical Chronology
—Dr. Floyd Jones
- A Biblical History of Mathematics
—Dr. Floyd Jones
- The History of Books and Libraries
—William Potter
- The History of the Hebrew Nation, Part 1
—Col. John Eidsmoe
- The History of the Hebrew Nation, Part 2
—Col. John Eidsmoe
- A Survey of Ancient Legal Systems: Old World
—Col. John Eidsmoe
- The Meaning of Rome
—Dr. George Grant
- The Meaning of the Incarnation for Earth History
—Dr. Joseph Morecraft III
- Special Providences of God in the Advance of Christendom
—Douglas Phillips
- The Long War Against God
—Dr. John Whitcomb
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