Arleta Richardson

Arleta Richardson

Born on March 9, 1923 in Flint, Michigan, Richardson grew up an only child.  After graduating from Spring Arbor Junior College, she served for over a year in the U.S. Army during World War II.  Then Richardson returned to Michigan.  There she received her degree from Western Michigan University before working as a librarian and a teacher.  In 1968 she earned the California Association of Christian Schools Teacher of the Year Award.  By 1970 Richardson decided to try her hand at writing stories.  Her first book in the Grandma's Attic series saw publication in 1974, and twenty years later she began another series called Orphans' Journeys.  A Free Methodist, Richardson also wrote for CYC missions program and served nine years as director of Missions Education in the Women's Missionary Society.  In her later years, Richardson was diagnosed with cancer and passed away in Escondido, California, on July 25, 2004.


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5 Items found
Day at the Fair
Grandma's Attic Keepsake Edition
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In Grandma's Attic
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Still More Stories from Grandma's Attic
by Arleta Richardson
Reprint from David C. Cook
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Treasures from Grandma's Attic
by Arleta Richardson
Revised from David C. Cook
for 4th-6th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)