Apologia: Exploring Creation With Physical Science - Home School Kit

Apologia: Exploring Creation With Physical Science - Home School Kit

by Vicki Dincher
4th Edition, ©2024, Item: 92326
Curriculum Bundle
List Price: $165.00 Our Price: $132.00

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This course is designed to be the last science course the student takes before high school biology. It discusses such topics as the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, weather, the structure of the earth, environmentalism, the physics of motion, Newton's Laws, gravity, and astrophysics. The author especially concentrates on the myths generated by the hysterical environmentalist movement. There are many hands-on experiments to do, and they all use household chemicals and supplies. It is an excellent course for preparing the student to take a college-prep high school science curriculum.

This kit is comprised of three pieces. The hardbound text contains all student material, on-your-own questions and solutions, laboratory exercises, and chapter study guides. The Solutions and tests Manual, softbound, offers the answers to chapter study guides, tests, and test solutions. The third piece is the CD-ROM companion, which includes videos of some of the experiments, animations, and pronunciations of previously unknown words.


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