This course is designed to be the first high school science course that a home schooled student takes. Typically, we recommend that your student takes it during the same year as Algebra I. The text is written in a conversational style, making it easy to read and understand. It contains student exercises (with detailed solutions), experiments designed to be done in the home, and tests (with detailed solutions). The course is taught wholly from a creationist viewpoint, with emphasis on the incredible design features apparent throughout God's creation. It was field-tested on 140 home schooled students in 22 different states, and the response was overwhelming. Parents who thought that their student hated science were pleased to find that this was their child's favorite course! Since then, it has proved a very popular course with home schooling families everywhere.
A few things that we noticed about this book and really appreciated are:
- Order of introducing topics. Most biology books that we've seen (even Christian ones) start out with cells and develop to more and more complex organisms. Although that's not necessarily a bad thing in itself, it does seem to echo an evolutionary mindset. This does not follow that order.
- It's geared for home schooling families! The students who use it can be very self-directed.
- The experiments are broken down into three groups. One group uses only things commonly found around the house, and these are the only experiments required to complete the course. Microscope and dissection experiments are available for more science minded students, but they are optional.
- Quality. Excellent—and both books are non-consumable!
- Cost. Though they seem expensive, these are actually very reasonable! Comparing to two other mainstream Biology courses, this is at least $25 less expensive.
The kit is comprised of two pieces. The hardbound textbook contains all student material, on-your-own questions and solutions, laboratory exercises, and chapter study guides. The Solutions and tests Manual, softbound, offers the answers to chapter study guides, tests, and test solutions.
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