Andrew Lang Fairy Books

Andrew Lang Fairy Books

by Andrew Lang (Editor)
Publisher: Dover Publications
Item: 11230
Trade Paperback
List Price: $208.40 Our Price: $166.72

It is almost impossible to envision what childhood would be like without the enchanting world of fairyland. Flying dragons that kidnap princes transformed into white foxes, monsters and magicians, giants and dwarfs, ogres and fairies—these are the companions who thrill young boys and girls of all lands and times, as Andrew Lang's phenomenally successful collections of stories have proved. From the day that they were first printed, the Lang fairy tale books of many colors have entertained thousands of boys and girls, as they have also brought pleasure to the many parents who have read these unforgettable classics to their children.

The twelve books in this series collect tales from all over the world; and each volume includes about 30-40 tales.


  • Blue Fairy Book (Denmark, France, Germany)
  • Olive Fairy Book (Turkey, India, Denmark, Armenia, the Sudan)
  • Green Fairy Book (Spain, China, stories by the Comte de Caylus, Sébillot, Fénelon, Kletke, Mme. d'Aulnoy, and the Brothers Grimm)
  • Grey Fairy Book (Lithuania, Africa, Germany, Greece, and France)
  • Violet Fairy Book (Japan, Serbia, Lithuania, Africa, Portugal, Rumania, and Russia)
  • Brown Fairy Book (Persia, Australia, Africa; Brazil, India, New Caledonia, and other lands)
  • Orange Fairy Book (Rhodesia, Uganda and the American Indians; the traditions of the Punjab and of Jutland; stories by H. C. Andersen and Mme d'Aulnoy)
  • Lilac Fairy Book (Ireland, India, Portugal, Brittany, Scandinavia, and the  Welsh Mabinogion.
  • Red Fairy Book (France, Germany, Denmark, Russia, and Romania, tales from Norse mythology, and by Mme d'Aulnoy and the Brothers Grimm)
  • Crimson Fairy Book (Hungary, Russia, Rumania, Finland, Iceland, Japan, Sicily)
  • Yellow Fairy Book (Hungary, Poland, and Russia, Germany, France, England, Iceland, and traditional tales of the American Indians.
  • Pink Fairy Book (Japan, Scandinavia, Sicily, Africa, and the Catalonian tradition)
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