Primary Alphabet Wall Chart

Primary Alphabet Wall Chart

by Memoria Press
Publisher: Memoria Press
Price: $17.90
Used Price: $12.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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These lovely handwriting charts make as nice of a decoration as they do a handwriting reference. Charts feature Memoria Press’ New American Cursive font, so they can be used with that program, with their Copybooks, or just as a nice visual reference. If you want to, put them in sequence, end-to-end, high on your walls around the room to form a border. Then, they’re always there for your children to look at. Or, display them only as you’re working on those letters. The Manuscript charts show traditional, straight-up-and-down printing with a picture of something that starts with that letter below (apple below “Aa,” bird below “Bb.”) The Cursive charts show the same thing with the same pictures but in cursive. Numbers are included in both sets.

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