To study the past, archaeologists search for objects which Ancient Man left behind him. Like detectives they find clues and follow them, and from the evidence they collect they are able to tell use where and how Man lived thousands of years ago.
The earth is full of the story of Man's past, and in All About Archaeology Anne Terry White has written an absorbing account of how this fascinating story has gradually been uncovered. She tells how archaeologists unearthed the gold and treasure of Ancient Greece and Troy and discovered the legendary palace of Minos with its hundreds of rooms. She describes the valuable objects found in the pyramids and tombs of Egypt and shows how they have given us a detailed picture of just how Egyptians lived more than 4,000 years ago. And she discusses the excavations carried on in the ruins of the once-great Indian cities of the Incas, Aztecs and Mayas, which provide us with proof that wonderful civilizations flourished many centuries ago in the Western Hemisphere.
Few things are as stirring to the imagination as the discovery of the remains of a vanished city or a lost civilization, and Mrs. White has a gift for conveying to the reader an understanding of how these remarkable archaeological discoveries link the world of the ancients with the world of today.
—from the dust jacket
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