This Algebra 2 text is your students’ gateway to higher mathematics and sciences and is essential to preparing your student for college. Students will further investigate concepts that were introduced in Algebra 1, such as linear equations, linear inequalities, polynomials, probability, statistics, and more. They will also transition into Pre-calculus as they study exponential and logarithmic functions and matrices and are introduced to trigonometric equations and identities.
Step-by-step instructions guide your students through easy-to-read examples and build a framework for solving practice problems. Complete with daily exercises, detailed examples and diagrams, review exercises, and an index and glossary of terms, students will be equipped with the tools they need to succeed in Algebra 2. The use of a scientific calculator is generally encouraged. Non-consumable textbook. Recommended for grade 10.
Product Benefits
- Concepts taught in Algebra 1 are reviewed to provide a solid foundation for Algebra 2 instruction.
- Real-life applications in word problems emphasize the practical use of algebra in various careers and everyday life.
- Important definitions and key concepts are boxed for easier studying.
- The Christian philosophy that permeates this textbook emphasizes the orderly design of the great Engineer and Architect of the universe as reflected in God’s mathematical laws.
- Step-by-step examples are easy to follow.
- Practice and review exercises encourage retention of material. Chapter, semester, and final review exercises provide additional opportunity for practice.
- Repeated insistence on the checking of algebraic solutions emphasizes accuracy.
- Introductory applications of trigonometry prepare your students for higher math courses.
- An appendix of formulas and key concepts provides a quick review when needed.
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