Poor Alexander! His teacher doesn’t like Alexander’s picture of an invisible castle. His mother forgets to pack him dessert. The dentist finds a cavity in his tooth. He falls down in the mud and doesn’t get the blue shoes he wants and he has to have lima beans for dinner and there was kissing on TV. What if he moved to Australia? But the truth is, everybody has bad days like Alexander’s. Even in Australia.

Review by Hadley Payne (née Ayers)
Hadley was an exemplary employee at Exodus for several years. Full of life and laughter, she is an avid reader who loves both classics and popular literature. Her reviews are clear, helpful and often witty. Check more of them out here.
Review by Hadley Payne (née Ayers)
Hadley Ayers was an exemplary employee at Exodus for several years. Full of life and laughter, she is an avid reader who loves both classics and popular literature. Her reviews are clear, helpful and often witty. Check more of them out
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