Alan Gillen

Alan Gillen

A native of Pennsylvania, Gillen grew up to teach and writing about science. At Baylor College of Medicine, he studied medical microbiology and physiology and worked as a science education consultant. Gillen also taught and advised Premed and nursing students at Pensacola Christian College before moving on to teach Human Anatomy and Physiology classes at Liberty University in Virginia where he is still. Aside from instructing students, Gillen also designs sophisticated buildings for human anatomy and physiology lab exercises.

Deeply intrigued by the human body, Gillen's interests revolve around where infectious come from, the resistance of antibiotics, and the immune system's design. Gillen blends Biblical creation themes with biology in his books The Human Body: An Intelligent Design, Body by Design: Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, and The Genesis of Germs: Plagues and Pestilences in a Fallen World. Gillen also authored a college-level text published by Apologia Press and is working currently on co-authoring another biology book Biology: Revealing Design, Order, and Complexity.

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2 Items found
Body By Design
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Genesis of Germs
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