AIO Imagination Station Book #19

AIO Imagination Station Book #19

Light in the Lion's Den

by Marianne Hering
Publisher: Focus on the Family
Trade Paperback, 138 pages
List Price: $5.99 Sale Price: $5.09

Historical Setting: Ancient Babylon

There's bad trouble in Babylon!

The male lion roared.  Its jaws opened wide enough to swallow Beth's entire head.

During a lightning storm, the Imagination Station lands Patrick and Beth in the desert in the ancient Middle East.  Soldiers escort them to the famed city of Babylon.  In the royal court there, Patrick meets King Darius and his wise adviser, Daniel.  But Beth must run for her life after insulting a powerful priestess and two scheming advisers.  She seeks safety in the palace only to find Patrick and Daniel are now in danger.  Who will save them from the jaws of disaster?

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