Originally published in 1917 with illustrations by Howard Pyle's student N.C. Wyeth (same text as the later Scribner Illustrated Editions). This version recounts the life and adventures of Robin Hood, who, with his band of followers, lived as an outlaw in Sherwood Forest dedicated to fight against tyranny. Written with an intentionally archaic tone, much of the first half recounts the story of Robin Hood's youth, before it begins to blend many of the stories from the ballads into a cohesive whole. Set at first during the reign of Henry II, it tells of Prince John's attempts to become king (and eventual success), but does not include the story of the Magna Charta.
Creswick's retelling offers a few unique aspects: first, it shares a parallel plot with Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe, even specifically mentioning Cedrick's friend Athelstane (Saxon claimant to the British throne) and offering very similar scenes with the Black Knight. Second, Creswick brings the women of the story more to the fore, with Marian, Alan-a-Dale's bride, the Princess of Aragon, and the daughter of the Sheriff of Nottingham all contributing to the plot. Third, he offers alternative origin stories for Will Scarlett, Friar Tuck, and the Prioress at Kirklee than I have seen elsewhere (though there are some striking similarities in books published later, like Donald Cooke's Silver Horn of Robin Hood).
There are also some very similar passages in the McSpadden text, and I have seen complaints that Creswick plagiarizes from his edition, which is commonly thought to have been published in 1891. But I actually believe it's the other way around: McSpadden would only have been seventeen in 1891, and the first published edition of his I can find is from 1923.
While this is a larger version of the Robin Hood stories, there are no chapter titles in any version we have encountered, so we came up with our own!
- The Offer of the Squire of Gamewell / Robin's First Challenge on the Road to Nottingham
- Arrival at Gamewell Hall
- Nottingham Fair: The Wizard's Prophecy
- Riot at the Fair and the Meeting of Will Stuteley
- Cousin Geoffrey de Montfichet
- Warrenton's Mission; A Midnight Excursion
- The Plot of the Treacherous Outlaws
- Joust & Tourney: A Golden Arrow for Marian
- The Death of Hugh Fitzooth
- The Quarrel with the Sheriff of Nottingham
- Disguised Archery Contest Against Hubert of Normandy; Escape to Locksley
- The Encounter with Carfax and Rescue by Will o' th' Green
- The Gamewell Rejection
- Destruction of Locksley Hall
- Flight to Barnesdale and Death of Will o' th' Green
- Robin and the Miller
- Robin and Little John / Robin and the Bishop of Hereford
- Robin Turns Butcher / Little John Enters the Sheriff's Service
- Banqueting the Sheriff / Christening of Robin Hood
- Sanctuary for Marian at Gamewell / Wedding of Allan-a-Dale
- Robin and the Tinker
- Friar Tuck of Fountain's Abbey
- Rescue of Will Stuteley and the Widow's Three Sons
- Beggar Robin and the Rescue of Marian
- Robin and the Tanner / Sir Richard of the Lee
- Death of King Henry / Introduction of Will Scarlett / Plot Against Marian
- Little John Goes a-Begging / the Murder of Master Fitzwalter
- Will Scarlett and the Princess of Aragon
- The Bishop of Hereford Repays the Debt / Introduction of Guy of Gisborne
- The Death of Guy of Gisborne / The Mystery of the Fitzwalter Murder
- The Rescue of Little John and the Aid of Richard of the Lee
- The Black Knight
- The Unveiling of King Richard
- The Weddings of Robin and Geoffrey
Epilogue: The Death of Robin

Review by Eli Evans
Formerly home educated and now father of five, Eli loves discovering amazing books, new and old, and is an artistic curator at heart. The owner and manager of Exodus since 1998, his focus is on offering thoughtful and well-written books that inspire the imagination and promote creativity and diligence while living for God. Read more of his reviews here.
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