Across the Meadow

Across the Meadow

A Beka Reading 2C
Publisher: A Beka Books
1st Edition, ©2017, Publisher Catalog #242985
Student Reader, 212 pages
Current Retail Price: $17.70
Used Price: $12.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Use phonics skills to venture through a busy barnyard, a New England orchard, and an energetic soccer field while catching the details that make story settings vivid in the mind of a child.  This book is filled with classics and children favorites, including 16 stories, 1 play, and 19 poems. This is the third book (2c) in the A Beka Reading Program for 2nd grade. Each of the ten books gradually advance your students’ reading skills.

Product Benefits

  • Character-building truths. As your students read stories about children and animals, they will learn many character qualities.
  • Literary terms. Introduction to literary parts of a story by reviewing title, author, main character, plot, and highlighting the term-setting.
  • Focus on phonics.  Phonics-based reader. “Words to Practice” pages covering Charts 12-13.
  • Creative Writing.  Your students can celebrate their favorite character in the back of the book for creative writing and creative drawing.  These activities enhance and assess comprehension of story book characters.
  • Thinking Skills. At the end of stories, “Think About It” and “What Do You Think?” factual and inferential questions help to develop thinking skills and apply to real life situations.

2nd Grade Readers:

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