Abraham Lincoln's World

Abraham Lincoln's World

by Genevieve Foster, Joanna Foster
Trade Paperback, 347 pages
List Price: $21.95 Sale Price: $18.66

Historical Setting: 19th Century

In the years which saw the birth and babyhood of Abraham Lincoln, dramatic events were unfolding across the globe. Thomas Jefferson was completing his eighth year as president, George the III was still reigning over England and Napoleon would shortly be defeated at Waterloo. In the worlds of music and literature, Beethoven and Sir Walter Scott were creating some of their best works while Victor Hugo was staging plays at school.

When Lincoln began to romp the backwoods of Indiana and help his father chop wood and plow the fields, other young boy's and girl's hearts and minds were forming for the part that they would play in the future of the world. Ulysses S. Grant was born, Harriet Beecher was reading anything she could get her hands on, Darwin was collecting toads, crabs and shells and the boy Dickens was working in a London shoeblacking factory.

When Lincoln became a shop keeper, England defeated China and took over Hong Kong, Texas won its independence and gold was discovered in California! The Oregon Trail would open, while David Livingstone would open the way to deepest Africa. This period would see the end of monarchies, serfdom and slavery, the dawn of the railroad, the telegraph and the steamboat.

Abraham Lincoln's World is the dramatic story of the life and times of one of America's greatest leaders and of the inspiring part he played in preserving this great nation. This is an expanded edition by Joanna Foster.

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