Abraham Lincoln (hardcover)

Abraham Lincoln (hardcover)

by Ingri D'Aulaire, Edgar Parin D'Aulaire, Rea Berg (editor)
75th Anniversary, ©2015, ISBN: 9781893103610
List Price: $21.95 Sale Price: $18.66

This book is, in a word, charming. It tells the true story of the life of Abraham Lincoln, from his birth to his presidency, and is educational and informative, without being dry and boring as many history books tend to be. Children as young as 4 will be interested, as well as kids through the teen years. Simply worded, but not babyish, brilliantly illustrated, but not unreal. Youngsters will learn and retain much about this beloved President.

First written and illustrated in 1939, it was expanded in 1957. Most of the book focuses on Lincoln's early life.

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