Abigail Adams Package (FACE)

Abigail Adams Package (FACE)

by Rosalie June Slater (Teacher Guide), Evelyn Witter (Book)
Item: 95673
Curriculum Bundle
Current Retail Price: $36.89
Used Price: $24.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Make a founding mother one of your child’s role models. Children not only learn about history, but also learn to appreciate perseverance in suffering and dedicated love as they relate to Abigail Adams’ life from childhood through Christian womanhood. Born during the Great Awakening of 1740, her life spanned the Revolution and the early days of the Republic. She exerted great influence as wife of one President, and mother of another. Abigail Adams left a written legacy of the depth and significance of American Christian womanhood.

This newly revised teacher guide to Abigail Adams: First Lady of Faith and Courage introduces the Christian literature of the American Republic, discussing how Christianity liberates women and teaching the character qualities of American Christian womanhood. To the biography of Abigail Adams is added a study of character and correspondence with copies of some of Abigail Adams's letters (in the chapter-by-chapter study). (First Grade Literature)

This package includes:

  • Abigail Adams (Retail: $10.99)
  • Abigail Adams Teacher Guide (Retail: $14.95)
  • Abigail Adams Student Notebook Packet (Retail: $10.95)
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