A. P. "Learn to Read" Series (Level 1)

A. P. "Learn to Read" Series (Level 1)

by Dave Miller
Publisher: Apologetics Press
©2008, Item: 43625
Current Retail Price: $21.00
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What better way to teach children how to read than by using biblical concepts? The “Learn to Read” series is designed to provide books for children for the purpose of assisting them in learning to read, while simultaneously introducing them to the Creator and His creation.

Throughout the seven books, children are introduced to God as Creator, the animal kingdom, simple sentence structure, rhyme, and exclamation and question. The books build vocabulary through sight words. Each book has 24 to 28 pages, and they are written for ages 3-6.


  • Birds, Bugs, and Bees
  • Dogs, Frogs, and Hogs
  • Fish, Flies, and Fleas
  • Bats, Cats, and Rats
  • Ducks, Bucks, and Woodchucks
  • Goose, Moose, and Mongoose
  • Snails, Quails, and Whales
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