Highly Recommended
We like to sell the books we like to read.
That's why you'll find so many books in this category. These are the books that go above and beyond. The worthwhile classics; lesser known but still excellent books; intelligent picture books; novels that are timeless for a reason.
These are books we would recommend wholeheartedly, with little to no reservations. While there is certainly room for other opinions, our ratings are not just a matter of personal preference but come down to three criteria; quality, truth and beauty. That is, quality of the writing. Truth of the message. And beauty of the story, or that extra special something that turns an ordinary novel into a classic. Sometimes this can be a book that shows an uncommonly deep understanding of the human character, or a book that perfectly fills a void that previously existed in literature. When these three come together in a story we give it five stars.
These are, of course, not set in stone and there's no discounting personal taste. Your five-star books and ours may vary wildly. But we have good solid reasons behind our love for these books. We hope you find something you enjoy as well.
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