Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning

Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning

An Approach to Distinctively Christian Education

by Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
2nd Edition, ©2022, ISBN: 9781954887107
Trade Paperback, 268 pages
Price: $21.99
Used Price: $12.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

“Good at diagnosing our educational afflictions, Douglas Wilson is still better at finding remedies. His Logs School provides a model, a practical design, for the restoration in the curriculum of Christian humanism—as contrasted with what Christopher Dawson called secular humanism.” –Russell Kirk, author of The Conservative Mind

Thirty years ago Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning was published so that Christian parents, instead of fretfully wringing their hands at the deterioration of American culture, would actually do something to resist it. Pastor and school-founder Douglas Wilson called on parents to reject public schools and to give their kids a completely different type of education, with the Lordship of Jesus Christ at the center.

Since the publication of this book, hundreds of classical Christian schools have been started and many online schools have helped homeschooling families educate their kids classically. The Classical education movement, however, is more than just a call to teach different subjects. Douglas Wilson whos that education is always religious and can never be truly neutral, and that we need to return to the wisdom of our fathers. This needs to include both educating in the same way that our parents educated their children, as well as teaching kids to love God with all their minds, hearts, and imaginations.

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